Day 5 – Just a friday at the gym


Yesterday was a rest day, and although I was only on the bike – I got carried away and watched over an hour of my asian drama. They are only 15-16 minute episodes, and I just kept pressing “play next” sometimes its just hard to stop. I kept my “workout” light by just going at a leisure pace on the bike on minimum resistance. I didn’t work up a sweat, but it was still nice to be a little active in a relaxed atmosphere.

Today I am back on the challenge and I was supposed to do the bike again… however I didn’t look at my sheet and went for a run/walk. I mostly walked today as my sciatic is bothering me a lot and I just didn’t feel like irritating it further.

The rest of my workout included:

  1. Biceps 10×3
  2. Shoulder press  10×3
  3. Triceps  10×3
  4. 15 leg raises
  5. 15 crunches
  6. 15 push-ups
  7. 20 twists
  8. 30 seconds plank
  9. Bosu ball exercises ( about 10 mins of various things)

I skipped out of stretching today… which really was a mistake – I am thinking of getting a foam roller… I think that might help me alleviate some of my leg and sciatic pain. Today its the worst its been in a long time – it feels like it’s cramping into my toes.

One really great things about today that I should mention. Back in May for mother’s day my gym gave me a 2 week plus membership to use whenever iI wanted. I activated it today… so I got to use the fancy change rooms…. I have to bring my swim suit next time to take advantage of the hot tub…. However, I may have noticed that most people do it in the buff…. Is this typical? Maybe I should just forget about the swim suit and join in like everyone else… I honestly am not sure what is normal. What do you think? swim suit or no swim suit? I.m just not sure….


Alright. I guess today’s workout and post is complete! See you tomorrow!


2 responses to this post.

  1. No swimsuit in the hot tub? No. NO! That just sounds like an infection waiting to happen. *barf* Unless someone there is planning to liquor you up first – or at least buy you dinner (I mean, a girl’s gotta eat, right?), I would definitely suit up OR just wait until you can use it alone. PS. *barf*



  2. Most go au naturale

    Beverly Levis (780) 951-9934



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