Posts Tagged ‘good luck’

A New Adventure AKA Challenge Time!

Tomorrow I am starting a new fitness challenge.

Originally it was in my mind that I was going to do a 48 day challenge, as my husband is being sent away for some probably super fun military training for 6-7 weeks and I figured that would be a good pastime for me, as well as something to accomplish while he is away.

As I was writing out my plan, and as always I get super anxious and excited about starting these challenges. If you have followed me over the years – though its been a while- I have done a few challenges like the 30 day squat challenge, 30 day plank challenge, 30 day Barre workout challenges as well as many eating and no drinking( man it sucks) challenges.  So, with this challenge, as usually – I want to start right away…. like right now.

I obviously need to learn and exercise(exercise… hahaha!) a little patience. It’s a work in progress, but instead of a 48 day challenge, I will be starting a 60 day challenge. This gives me essentially 8 weeks to give it my all and see what I can accomplish.


While I have already written out what my daily fitness goals will be – I am not going to be sharing them before hand. This is because I might be changing them as I go along. I have written out my daily goals as a guideline. I am going to push myself, I am going to work hard, but I am also going to listen to my body and do what is right for that day. If I have a little extra energy at the gym – maybe I will do a little more. If my body is telling me no – I will listen to it and take a rest day.

Along with fitness, I will also be working on some eating goals. I have two kids, my husband will be gone for most of this challenge, I am hoping that this will go smoothly and I won’t be hiding in my room binging on a bag of chips because I haven’t eaten all day due to crazy kids sucking all my energy and motivations since they woke up. 😛

I am going to attempt to cut out all POP, JUNK FOOD, TAKE OUT, FAST FOOD, PIZZA, etc. I am going to attempt no eating out – however If I do take the kids out – I will choose wisely and healthily. I feel lucky that my daughters favourite restaurant is Swiss chalet and they have a pretty good selection of healthier foods to choose from.

I will be taking my body measurements, and I hopefully will take some before photos. Both of which I may or may not share at the end of this challenge. I am hoping, and will be working hard to see results. Big results or small results – i don’t care, I am just looking to spend the next 60 days working towards a better version of me. A hobby to keep me busy and something “ME” to focus on.


I hope that you will follow my journey over the next 60 days as I post pictures and updates on how things are going. This is my accountability, my motivation to keep myself going. Without you, I might deteriorate into a couch potato eating junk and not doing anything to improve myself. So please pop onto my feed once in a while and like a photo, leave me a comment, or if you haven’t seen me update for a bit – ask me what the heck am I doing?! 😛


Thanks for reading all this, I am excited to get started on my challenge.

Let the next 60 days begin!.. Well tomorrow!

First Challenge of 2015


I’ve been feeling a bit off lately. I am guessing that it is from the month off of working out as December was a chaotic month, I just needed wanted the extra time in my day to get things done. I spent a lot of the month drinking and eating and not being active at all.

It was about half way through the month when I thought – I really need to get back on track, I need to do another “diet”/eating challenge.  It was then that I decided that for the month of January I would give up drinking alcohol, gluten, junk food ( pop chips candy gum) and fast food.  I have noticed that when I go on these challenges that I always feel so much better – less bloating, more energy and less flatulence (the world is cheering now!)… ( and yes I italicized the word flatulence to make it seem more gassy…everyone farts – don’t judge 😛 )

Its a good thing that I am starting this challenge today. I woke up this morning and stepped on the scale to both check out what weight I was starting this challenge at….. and to see the damage that Christmas had done to me. Seriously, I did so much baking and it was so scrumptious… I just couldn’t stop… I should have.



I am beyond embarrassed and I am motivated to shed these pounds that I don’t need or want! (and hopefully I can work off a few more of that as I have definitely slipped on attaining my weight and/or pant size goals – whichever comes first 😉

With eating better for this month, I am going to resume being active. I am hoping to check out the new rec centre that opened up near my place, as well as I hope I can attend some barre classes as my body misses it!

Now, I was listening to the radio last night and they were talking statistics about New Years resolutions. 45% of people make them and only 8 percent of those people actually keep them. I don’t want to look at this like its a new years resolution. I feel like that would imply that this is something I am just starting, or that based on those statistics something that I am going to fail at. I think that first of all – I am not going to fail… and second, this is not something new that I’m trying to change, its a continuation of my work. Jan 1, 2015 just was a great day to start this challenge – its just a coincidence that it happens to be the start day of so many other peoples new years resolutions.

So for the month of January I will be avoiding gluten, junk food, booze, fast food… and basically just trying to make healthier home cooked meals.  I will also be actively counting my calories  to keep me from going overboard in my eating. I will also try and be active 4 days a week (as I have a few hours  on the days my daughter goes to school). I hope that I can start a good pattern to push me to reaching my goals this year.  I better tie myself to that wagon so I stop falling off!

What changes, challenges or goals do you have planned for 2015?

Good Luck to everyone who is starting a challenge, a new years resolution or a non new years resolution!


6/20 December Blog Challenge: If I Won the Lottery.

bags of money

My Fiance and I sometimes buy a lotto ticket. We figure for the 5 bucks it costs, it provides us with a few days of entertainment. We spend the time thinking up ideas on what we would do if we won the lottery.

What would I do if I won the lottery today differs greatly from what I would do if I won the lottery 4 years ago. Previously I would jump into a life of luxury – travel, buy a fancy car, a big house, a green dress… but not a real green dress – I hear that’s cruel.

Since having my daughter my views have changed greatly on what I would do if I won the lottery. As I mentioned in my introduction post at the beginning of this challenge my daughter has special needs. So, what I would do would greatly reflect upon that. And of course, this winning the lotto scenario I am writing about would be a significant amount… Like 20 million would be great! LOL.

First thing I would do ( besides flying out and grabbing my awesome friend from NYC – you know who you are!) is probably take my fiance and daughter on a really fun vacation. Somewhere for dad to relax, and our daughter to swim in a beautiful pool everyday!

I would build a house. A house that would be our forever home and a safe place for our daughter. Complete with a custom kitchen where it will be easy to make food stay out of sight and inaccessible.  I would want a large fenced in backyard for her to play in. And definitely a king sized bed for us. I would love a walk in closet and a ensuite bathroom with a separate tub and shower… or just a shower… unless your a kid, does anyone have time for a bath these days?

I would also buy a new vehicle. I am currently driving a ford fiesta that I purchased before i knew I was pregnant…. My car is tiny and is not made for a family.  A mid sized SUV would be great!

I would also donate regularly towards programs and research that deal directly with my daughters rare genetic syndrome ( Prader Willi Syndrome). I would like to make a difference and really help science and community programs work towards having the ability to give my daughter and others like her the best possible future.

Other than that, I don’t know what else I would do. I can really only think of things that I would do for my daughter – maybe hire a personal therapist to work with my daughter regularly to help her reach the milestones she is delayed at or to help give me the tools to do better with her needs.

And probably most importantly, What would I do if I won the lotto… I would max out all our RRSP, RDSP, RESP and TFSA’s so it will always be there if anything ever happened… and then the rest would be put into the bank and we would live on the interest!… hopefully then to never run out of money.

It is nice to dream… maybe someday 🙂


90 Day Challenge – Day 90

Day 90 – Bikini Body Mommy Challenge (

Fitness test day! LAST DAY EVER!!!!

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XXOO, Mira

90 Day Challenge – Day 89

Day 89– Bikini Body Mommy Challenge (

Cardio Day!



Good Luck and see you tomorrow!

XXOO, Mira

90 Day Challenge – Day 88

Day 88– Bikini Body Mommy Challenge (

Cardio Day!


Good Luck and see you tomorrow!

XXOO, Mira

90 Day Challenge – Day 87

Day 87 – Bikini Body Mommy Challenge (

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Good Luck and see you tomorrow!

XXOO, Mira

90 Day Challenge – Day 86

Day 86– Bikini Body Mommy Challenge (

Cardio Day!



Good Luck and see you tomorrow!

XXOO, Mira

90 Day Challenge – Day 85

Day 85 – Bikini Body Mommy Challenge (

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Good Luck and see you tomorrow!

XXOO, Mira

90 Day Challenge – Day 84

Day 84 – Bikini Body Mommy Challenge (

Rest DAY!

See you tomorrow!

XXOO, Mira